Confirmed Speakers
Check out our roster of speakers for the upcoming workshop below, and read through their bios to get a better sense of what you can expect from their sessions

Prof. Dr. Rachel Grange
ETH Zürich
Since 2021, Rachel Grange is an associate professor in integrated optics and nanophotonics in the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich. She has been assistant professor at ETH Zurich since 2015. From 2011 to 2014, she was junior group leader at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. During her post-doc at EPFL, she worked on nonlinear bioimaging with metal-oxides nanoparticles from 2007 to 2010. She received her Ph.D. in 2006 from ETH Zurich on ultrafast laser physics.
Lithium niobate on Insulator and Beyond: Overcoming Fabrication Challenges for Integrated and Flat Photonics
Nonlinear and electro-optic devices are present in our daily life with many applications: light sources for microsurgery or modulators for telecommunication. Most of them use bulk materials such as glass fibres or high-quality crystals, hardly integrable. Even the fast developments of thin film lithium niobate face the challenging etching of metal-oxides. Therefore, the quest for a non-centrosymmetric material, easy to fabricate and to scale up while maintaining its functionality is still ongoing. Recent advances in top-down fabrication of lithium niobate devices and bottom-up assemblies of randomly oriented nanocrystals to produce electro-optic, nonlinear and parametric down conversion signals will be discussed.

Prof. Dr. Saptarshi Das
Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Das received his B.Eng. degree (2007) in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Jadavpur University, India, and Ph.D. degree (2013) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University. He was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar (2013-2015) and Assistant Research Scientist (2015-2016) at Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Das joined the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Penn State University in 2016. Dr. Das was the recipient of Young Investigator Award from United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research in 2017 and National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2021. Das Research Group at Penn State leads a new multidisciplinary area of science, namely biomimetic sensing, neuromorphic computing, and hardware security based on 2D materials and devices.
3D Integration of 2D Devices for Advanced Memory, Logic, and Bio-inspired Computing
Enabled by monolithic 3D integration, emerging 2D FETs are takinag center stage, empowering advanced memory, and logic devices. Recent work on bio-inspired neuromorphic computing have culminated in the successful demonstration of wafer-scale 2-tier and 3-tier 3D integration, utilizing MoS2 and WSe2 FETs as the building blocks. These achievements have paved the way for multifunctional circuits. 2D materials are used in designs of solid-state devices with low power consumption mimicking auditory processing in the barn owl, collision avoidance in the locust, and probabilistic computing in the dragonfly. By combining the power of 2D materials with bio-inspired principles, highly compact and functionally diverse integrated circuits in the revolutionary third dimension can be created. The implications of this technology are far-reaching and hold the potential to shape the future of electronics and computing.

Prof. Dr. Olivier J.F. Martin
Olivier J.F. Martin is Professor of Nanophotonics and Optical Signal Processing at EPFL, where he conducts a comprehensive research that combines the development of numerical techniques for the solution of Maxwell’s equations with advanced nanofabrication and experiments on plasmonic systems. Applications of his research include optical antennas, metasurfaces, nonlinear optics, optical nano-manipulations, heterogeneous catalysis, security features and optical forces at the nanoscale. Dr. Martin has authored over 300 journal articles and holds several patents and invention disclosures.
The promise of the third dimension nanophotonics
Most optical effects that arise in nanostructures are controlled by the material and the geometry of the system. This is the case for example for plasmonic nanostructures made of silver, which color can cover most of the optical spectrum, from the red to the blue, depending on their shape. Over the last decade, tremendous progress in nanotechnology has enable the control of planar nanostructures in two-dimensions (2D). In this talk, I will discuss how exploring the third dimension and fabricating 3D nanostructures in a controlled and reproducible fashion would unleash tremendous potential and make novel photonic effects possible.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Iskratsch
Queen Mary University of London
Thomas Iskratsch is a Professor in Cardiovascular Mechanobiology and Bioengineering in the School of Engineering and Materials Science at Queen Mary University of London.
His group specialises in mechanosensing mechanisms in the cardiovascular system. Thereby the research combines bioengineering (from cell mechanical measurements to micro and nanofabrication) with advanced imaging and image analysis, in order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the mechanical sensing and signalling. He is committee member of the British Society of Cardiovascular Research and was named "Cell Scientist to Watch" by the Journal of Cell Science in 2020.
Nanofabrication of bioarrays for single molecule resolution tracking of receptor-ligand interactions and cell adhesion formation
Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of mortality worldwide. Recent research increasingly emphasised that changes the organisation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and downstream mechanical signalling critically influences the disease onset and progression. Because nano-scale organisation of cell adhesion sites can significantly alter (integrin) receptor clustering, activation and cellular mechanosensing, we have developed bionanoarrays that place DNA origami on nanopattern, created through thermal scanning probe lithography. Together this allows us to modify the ligand type as well as local and global ligand concentration and study the cellular response in response to healthy or diseased cardiac ECM.

Dr. Alexander Wright
Alexander Wright is a Senior Research Scientist at New York University, where he works in the groups of Professors Elisa Riedo and Davood Shahrjerdi. His work focuses on the use of t-SPL to fabricate biosensors for rapid, multiplexed detection of viruses. Alex received his PhD from the University of Liverpool (2022), where he used t-SPL to fabricate nanoscale spintronic devices to study spin transport phenomena in magnetically doped metals. His research interests include biosensors, 2D materials, nanofabrication, magnetism and spintronics.
Thermochemical activation of a polymer for protein immobilisation
The ability to manipulate surface chemistries at the nanoscale presents exciting opportunities for single molecule detection, protein immobilization and sensing applications. Thermal scanning probe lithography (t-SPL) is a felicitous tool in this regard, enabling thermal deprotection of chemical groups with nanometre resolution. In this talk, we demonstrate the use of t-SPL to expose amine groups in a thermally sensitive polymer, showcasing the ability to immobilize multiple different molecules at high resolution and close proximity, including attachment of aptamers with a view towards biosensing applications.

Dr. Gabriela Borin Barin
Dr. Gabriela Borin Barin is the group leader of the Materials to Devices group in the nanotech@surfaces Laboratory at Empa. She also holds a Visiting Professor appointment at the Federal University of Sergipe in Brazil. Before that, she received her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in a joint project between the Federal University of Sergipe in Brazil and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, US), followed by a postdoc at Empa in the group of Prof. Roman Fasel.
Her research topics include the synthesis, characterization, and device integration and application of low-dimensional carbon materials.
Bottom-up graphene nanoribbons: towards high-performance devices
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) show exciting properties deriving from electron confinement and related band gap tunability. The ability to tune GNRs’ electronic and magnetic properties at the single atom level makes them an ideal platform for a wide range of device applications, from classical transistors to spintronics. The fabrication steps necessary to bring GNRs from ultra-high vacuum (UHV) to electronic devices are not trivial. Ongoing progress and challenges of GNRs' on-surface synthesis in UHV, characterization by scanning probe techniques and Raman spectroscopy, different substrate transfer strategies for device integration, device fabrication, and on-chip transport measurements will be discussed.

Dr. Fabian Könemann
Heidelberg Instruments Nano AG
Fabian Könemann studied physics at Lund University and RWTH Aachen, with a focus on quantum-device simulations and high performance computing. After graduating with a perfect score, he joined IBM Research, where he used a custom-built scanning thermal microscope to observe Joule heating and Peltier effects in operating nanoscale devices. After receiving his PhD from ETH Zurich, Fabian joined Heidelberg Instruments Nano AG, where he could directly apply his knowledge of system design, real-time control, and software engineering. Fabian currently leads a team of NanoFrazor developers as Head of Technology.
Introducing parallel thermal scanning probe lithography
Throughput is one of the most important figures of merit for a lithography system. Scanning probe lihography has demonstrated impressive capabilities in terms of resolution, in-situ inspection, and greyscale patterning. Physical limits ultimately dictate the maximum throughput that can be achieved with a single tip. Arrays of up to 4096 probes have been demostrated. This presents an obvious pathway for parallelization of tSPL. Recently, many challenges in terms of packaging, electronic interfacing, and data streaming have been overcome. Parallel tSPL is now becoming a reality, with a technology for ten parallel tips ready to enter the market.

Berke Erbas
Berke Erbas obtained his BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2019 from Istanbul Technical University and his MSc degree in Microengineering in 2021 from EPFL. He is currently a PhD student in the Microsystems and Microelectronics doctoral program at EPFL. His research focuses on grayscale nanolithography, micro/nanofabrication, and 2D material-based nanoelectronics.
Grayscale topography engineering for 2D nanoelectronics
While nanolithography has historically focused on downscaling, there is now a growing interest in grayscale nanolithography for introducing or enhancing functionality in micro-nanodevices. Grayscale thermal scanning probe lithography achieves single-digit nanometer spatial resolution and sub-nanometer depth control, but it is limited to shallow depths. In this talk, I will present aspect ratio amplification of the "shallow" polymer patterns into dielectric layers using a plasma etching process. To exemplify the possible applications, we will show its applications to scalable nanoimprint replication and to strain engineering of 2D materials to enhance the mobility of 2D FETs.

Dr. Heiko Wolf
IBM Research - Zurich
Dr. Wolf is a Research Staff Member in the Science of Quantum and Information Technology department at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory. His research focuses on the use of chemical reaction networks for information processing. Further areas of interest are self-assembly and nanopatterning applications. Dr. Wolf studied chemistry at the University of Mainz, Germany, and at Kyoto University, Japan. In 1995, he received a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of Mainz. After three years as a Research Scientist in the polymer division at Degussa AG, he joined the microcontact processing group of IBM’s Zurich Research Laboratory in 1999.
Will it compute? – Networks of micro-scale chemical oscillators
We explore the chemical reaction network (CRN) of the oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction for the development of chemical information processing. CRNs offer ultimate energy-efficiency of information processing, if the number of molecules involved in each computational step can be scaled down to a minimum. However, controlling and interfacing CRNs in micro-scale dimensions is still a major challenge. We fabricated microfluidic arrays of microreactors to study their collective behavior when loaded with an oscillating CRN.

Prof. Dr. Xia Liu
Institute of Physics CAS, Beijing
Dr. Xia Liu received her Ph.D. degree from Institute of Microelectronics at Tsinghua University in 2017. From 2012 to 2013, she was a visiting student at the University of California, Berkeley. From 2017 to 2018, Dr. Liu was honored as a Wen H. Ko Fellow at Case Western Reserve University, USA. From 2018 to 2023, she was a researcher scientist in Microsystems laboratory at EPFL. Currently, she is an adjunct professor in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. Her current research interests are focused on advanced manufacturing of 2D semiconductor nanostructures, electronic nanodevices and sensing applications.
Multiple-Scale and Gray-Scale Patterning Using Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography
We develop a hybrid thermal lithography method combining scalable microscale laser-based patterning with nanoscale patterning based on thermal scanning probe lithography. The latter enables in addition grayscale patterns to be made. We study the resolution limit of the writing in silk fibroin by using a nanoscale heat source from a scanned nanoprobe. The heat thereby induces local water solubility change in the film, which can subsequently be developed in deionized water. Nanopatterns and grayscale patterns down to 50 nm lateral resolution are successfully written in the silk fibroin that behaves like a positive tone resist.

Dr. Stefan Walheim
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dr. Stefan Walheim studied physics at the University of Konstanz, where he completed his diploma thesis 1997 in polymer physics. Dr. Walheim continued his work in Konstanz on the phase separation of polymer blend films during his dissertation, with extended stays at the University of Massachusetts and the University of California at Santa Barbara. Since end of 2000 he is in the group of Prof. Dr. Schimmel at the Institute for Nanotechnology and the Institute of Applied Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Stefan Walheim is head of a research team, where he leads projects in the fields of mechanical and thermal scanning probe lithography, polymer blend lithography, block-copolymer lithography, bio-nano-functionalization, template-induced 3 D molecular self-assembly and large area micro - and nano-moulding. His work focusses on processes using self-organization and having a potential for industrial up-scale.
Substrate-controlled self-assembly as a bio-inspired approach towards nano-functional surfaces
Template-induced structure formation processes, where a patterned molecular monolayer controls the phase morphology of a polymer, the growth of e.g. a ZnO-layer or the site-selective immobilization of bio-objects like plant viruses or proteins are currently under investigation. Applications in a wide field from atom scale, nano-electronics to tissue engineering are envisioned. Major effort is ongoing into research on biomimetic Salvinia effect surfaces focusing on their ability to retain an air layer under water.

Prof. Dr. Javier Rodríguez-Viejo
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)
Javier Rodríguez Viejo is Full Professor of Applied Physics at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Head of the Group of Thermal Properties of Nanoscale Materials) at UAB and at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2). His research revolves around thermal properties and phase transitions using home-based nanocalorimetry, thermal transport and energy harvesting at the nanoscale and the physics of glasses. Recent highlighted contributions include: The demonstration of thermal energy harvesting by an all-Si thermoelectric microgenerator based on silicon nanolayers; the melting and the low-temperature properties of stable glasses and their use in OLEDs and thermal transport at the nanoscale in Ge/Si superlattices and Si nanowires.
Bulk versus surface melting in thin film organic semiconductor glasses: A path for glass coexistence and nanostructuration
Small organic molecules deposited from vapor on a substrate under optimized conditions yield thin film glasses with enhanced kinetic and thermodynamic stability. Thin film layers of those materials, termed ultrastable glasses, melt at temperatures above the glass transition temperature through a liquid growth front that initiates at the surface. If their surface is adequately capped, they melt by a heterogeneous process that resembles nucleation and growth. We take advantage of this property to produce arrays of glasses having different stabilities and glass transition temperatures. Preliminary efforts towards achieving a nanostructured binary glass will be shown.

Dr. Gabriel Puebla Hellmann
Dr. Puebla Hellmann is CEO of QZabre, an ETH Spinoff that creates NV Magnetometry products. An enthusiast for moving quantum technologies from the lab to real world applications, he started his career with a PhD in Prof. Andreas Wallraff’s Quantum Device Lab at ETH Zürich, finishing in 2012. He then moved to IBM Zürich, where he worked to create a mass-fabrication compatible platform for molecular electronics. Mid 2018, immediately convinced of the potential that NV technology offers, he joined QZabre as a late cofounder. Dr. Puebla Hellmann has authored scientific papers published in Nature as well as several patents and won the Zeiss Quantum Challenge in 2020.
Nitrogen vacancy based quantum sensors for nano-scale thermometry
Nitrogen Vacancy based quantum sensors achieve high sensitivity in a small volume not only as magnetometers, but also as thermometers. This makes them well suited for scanning thermal probe microscopy offering both sub 100 nm resolution and potentially sub 10 mK/sqrt(Hz) sensitivity. Isolating the thermal signal from the magnetic signal, however, requires significant signal processing, which, together with a lack of specifically designed probes, has so far hindered practical demonstrations. Here, we demonstrate the basic concept with a single NV center scanning probe and discuss our roadmap for high performance nano-scale thermometry.

Dr. Yu Kyoung Ryu
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dr. Yu Kyoung Ryu developed her thesis at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM, CSIC), achieving her PhD in 2015. She made a postdoctoral stay at IBM Research Zurich (2016-2017), where she made significant contributions to high-resolution lithography using thermal scanning probe lithography. She then had a postdoctoral stay at ICMM (2017-2020). Since 2020, she works as postdoctoral researcher at Instituto de Sistemas Optoelectrónicos y Microtecnología (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Her research field are in energy storage devices, graphene and 2D materials, scanning probe lithography.
Laser-induced graphene advanced energy storage devices
The field of supercapacitors experiences an unstoppable growth. These energy storage devices provide very high power and cyclability and they present a great potential in state-of-the-art applications such as wearable electronics, health monitoring, automotive industry and the Internet of things. Among the materials employed as the active electrodes, graphene is the most explored due to the highest theoretical specific surface area, excellent electrical conductivity and mechanical flexibility. Finally, direct laser writing to produce laser-induced graphene constitutes a technique that can manufacture scalable and high-performance devices. It is cost and time effective and enables the simultaneous material synthesis and device patterning.

Harry Biller
Allresist GmbH
Harry Biller received his M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Paderborn in 2017 and entered a Ph.D. program at the TU Dresden until 2022. He then joined Allresist GmbH, where he is currently working on funded research projects and new product innovations. He is also responsible for customer consulting.
From powder to liquid resist: Insights into the stability of Polyaldehydes in solution
A critical element in Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography (t-SPL) is the highly pure polyphtalaldehyde (PPA) available from Allresist. This PPA exhibits enhanced thermal reactivity and stability for precise nanostructuring. While currently offered only in powder form, Allresist plans to introduce a liquid resist of PPA to simplify its use. Recent experiments comparing storage as a powder and PPA dissolved in anisole have yielded great results, showing promising shelf life longevity. In addition, ongoing work to modify PPA with silane groups has the potential to create new resists with improved oxygen plasma etch stability, offering new versatility in nanofabrication.

Dr. Meguya Ryu
NMIJ AIST / Tokyo Institute of Technology
Dr. Meguya Ryu is a senior researcher in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). His research interests include the thermophysical properties of soft materials and the development of the measurement technique. He received his doctoral degree in engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Detection of local thermal diffusivity of soft materials by using nano thermal heating probe
The method for determining the local thermal diffusivity is proposed based on the thermal scanning probe lithography system. The sharp tip of the thermal probe is used to apply local periodic heating to a sample that is placed on a previously fabricated micro-thermocouple. Using the principle of the temperature wave analysis (TWA) method, we infer thermal diffusivity in the probed sample volume from the frequency dependent phase shift of the thermocouple’s temperature response. We apply the technique to microscale discs of soft materials made by chemically amplified photo-resist (mr-DWL) as a validation of the method.

Dr. Chit Siong Aaron Lau
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore
Aaron is Senior Scientist II and Emerging Group Leader at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, part of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research. He is also an Investigator at the Quantum Innovation Center. He graduated from the National University of Singapore in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science (Physics first class honours), before receiving the A*STAR Graduate Scholarship to pursue his PhD at the University of Oxford where he worked on quantum transport through single-molecule electronics. He returned to A*STAR IMRE in 2017, where he now works on atomically thin materials for quantum applications.
Utilizing thermal scanning probe for engineering 2D material-based quantum applications
Quantum materials, e.g., 2D transition metal dichalcogenides, exhibit fascinating intrinsic quantum effects with no bulk counterparts arising from their unique geometry. However, progress is severely hindered by fundamental material science and device engineering challenges. Efforts to establish high-quality contacts at cryogenic temperatures led to new insights into the nature of metal/2D semiconductor interface. The influence of dielectrics and interface roughness on carrier transport is significant, as revealed through measurements on the first gate-defined chemical vapour deposition grown bilayer WS2 quantum dot. Recent work on integrating ultrathin metal oxides printed from liquid metals with 2D materials, using thermal scanning probe based techniques for interface and contact engineering of 2D materials can potentially address crucial challenges in engineering 2D materials towards quantum applications.

Yannik Glauser
ETH Zürich
Yannik M. Glauser received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zürich in 2019 and 2021, respectively. He currently works as a Ph.D. student in the Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory at ETH Zürich, supervised by Prof. David J. Norris. His research focuses on the design, fabrication, and optical measurement of grayscale nanostructures that diffract light in a controlled way. These “wavy” structures are commonly referred to as optical Fourier surfaces.
Optical Fourier Surfaces for Holography
Controlling light is crucial for modern technologies, such as solar cells, biosensors, and optical communication. A common approach involves the fabrication of nanostructured surfaces with sub-wavelength feature sizes to manipulate electromagnetic fields through diffraction. However, current lithographic methods are typically restricted to “binary” surface profiles with only two depth levels, limiting their optical performance. Here, we overcome this limitation by exploiting thermal scanning-probe lithography to fabricate grayscale diffractive surfaces, known as optical Fourier surfaces (OFSs). We explore the possibility to use these OFSs as reflective holograms in silver to control the amplitude and phase of the diffracted wavefront in the far field. This approach may provide expanded possibilities for holography, beam shaping, and optical display technology.

Dr. Filippo Federici
Nanolayers Research Computing Ltd.
Filippo Federici is the co founder and scientific director for Nanolayers Research Computing Ltd., where he leads the business' development for scientific data management and machine learning methods.
Filippo holds a doctorate in Computational Physics from the Tampere University of Technology in Finland, and was a researcher at the Advanced Institute for Materials Research in Tohoku University in Japan. With extensive knowledge of advanced experimental and computational systems, Filippo has been instrumental in the development of some of Nanolayers most significant solutions, including the Nature Conservancy image recognition system and Cassandra Scientific databasing system.
ALANN: Atomic lithography automation with neural networks
The ALANN graphical user interface connects to the scanner and processes scans with its integrated filtering routines to remove artifacts from the data, correct for small tip changes and detect atomic step edges. Defects are detected and identified using machine learning methods and a custom correlation algorithm realigns the SPM images as they are acquired by stitching their step maps together, compensating drift, and constructing a map of the sample useful for autonomous navigation and lithography. The software is written in Python, can run on any platform and connect to any instrument that has an API provided by the vendor.

Dr. Chloé Bureau-Oxton
IBM Research - Zurich
Dr. Chloe Bureau-Oxton is a post-doctoral researcher at IBM Research Europe - Zürich. Her work focuses on integrating semiconductor quantum dots onto the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe in order to achieve high-resolution electric field sensing.
Dr. Bureau-Oxton received her PhD from the Université de Sherbrooke (QC, Canada) in 2021. She conducted her doctoral research at Sandia National Laboratories (NM, USA) where she worked on coherent control of spin-orbit-driven singlet-triplet qubits in Si-MOS. Prior to her PhD, during her Master's degree at the Université de Sherbrooke, she worked on the fabrication and measurement of gate-defined GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum dots with cobalt nanomagnets.
A side-gated finFET as a scanning electrometer
Single-electron transistors (SETs) are known to be extremely sensitive electrometers capable of sensing fractions of an electron charge. SETs integrated onto scanning probes have been successfully used to study localized charges as well as nanoscale electron transport phenomena. However, the limited spatial resolution (> 100 nm) as well as the low operation temperatures (< 1 K) of these scanning SETs greatly limit their fields of application. A silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor (Si-MOS) quantum dot (QD) fabricated on the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever is a promising candidate for a scanning SET. Its potentially large charging energy and tunable tunnel barriers would allow a wider range of operating temperatures, while its small size would lead to improved spatial resolution. We propose using a side-gated fin field-effect transistor (finFET) fabricated on a silicon cantilever as a scanning SET. Initial fabrication results will be presented.

Valerio Levati
Politecnico di Milano
Valerio Levati is a Ph.D. student in the PhyND group at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano. He received both his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the same university. His research explores advanced techniques, such as thermal scanning probe lithography and direct laser writing, for creating functional nanostructured materials by tailoring the physical properties of condensed matter systems at the nanoscale with application in spintronics and nanoelectronics.
Thermally driven Phase Nanoengineering for Spintronics
Phase nanoengineering is a promising approach in condensed matter physics for tailoring the optical, electronic and magnetic properties of low dimensional systems by exposing the target material to a localized energy source. The thermal budget given by focused light or by an heated probe enables controlled chemical, physical or structural modifications, surpassing binary patterns in conventional nanofabrication. This methodology offers versatile applications in the realm of nanotechnology, from photonic crystals to nanoelectronic and spintronic devices. In particular, phase nanoengineering of YIG films for magnonics and the tuning of exchange bias in magnetic systems are discussed.